Bangkok Randoms
Come... let's go supermarget to get one! LoL...
Exotic car showrooms in Siam Paragon
SHABUSHI Buffet Restaurant. Combination of Shabu-Shabu and Sushi buffet at an affordable 219 baht (roughly RM21.90) eat all you want!! The food is not bad weih... They serve desserts as well, got ice cream and stuffs. Damn packed weih the place, we had to take a number and wait 30 minutes for our turn! =p
Intel advertising... damn cute yo! They hire these bunch of ppl walking around Pantip Plaza IT Mall... our Low Yat equivalent, but much bigger!!
These felas will walk all over the mall, choose a place to stop, then stand there a good 5 minutes or so before proceeding to find another place to stand at.
So yea, anyway... Bangkok was FUN! =)
Got my PSP from Pantip Plaza... =p Been playin' it close to every night before I Zzzzz... =p So yea, neva regretted getting it! =)
Bangkok however I think is more of a chick's hangout lah... most guys would get bored very fast... girls however, will probably never lar... so much shopping to do here... some girls I know wanna buy the whole Bangkok!! LoL... good luck to them on that! =p
But anywayz, its always fun to visit somewhere new. =) So much things to discover... =p
So when you guys wanna come down Bangkok to visit me huh??
When you guys wanna come down here to go Yum Cha with me?
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